Professor Sally Theobald


Sally Theobald has a disciplinary background of geography and development studies and a PhD in Gender, Health and Development.

Professor Sally Theobald, Chair, HORN Project External Advisory BoardWith a wide ranging experience of designing and implementing gender sensitive qualitative research projects on HIV, TB, SRH and health systems in Africa and Asia, Sally is currently working on collaborative research projects in Kenya, Malawi, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Ghana, Mozambique, Cambodia, Indonesia and Bangladesh.

Her research area is gender equity and health systems, and her current research focus and grants are in Gender equity, human resources and health systems (including a focus on post conflict contexts); Gender equity, health systems sexual and reproductive health and Tuberculosis; and Gender equity, research uptake and capacity building.

Sally is the Chair in Social Science and International Health at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine., and also the Chair of the HORN Project’s External Advisory Board.