Fikirte Demissie Tulu (Dr.) is a training fellow with the one health regional network for the Horn of Africa (HORN) since 2019. Dr. Fikirte is assistant professor in the department of Geography and environmental studies in Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia. She has PhD in Environmental Planning and MA in geography and environmental studies from Addis Ababa University. In addition, her academic, research background, field experiences in different part of the world and the nature of PhD are good chances to get skill and knowledge in the area of environmental issue and climate change in general. Being collaborative with other team members that have background of environmental science, public health and social sciences helps her to develop and engaged in a comprehensive project on impacts of climate change on health of animals and humans.
In a nut-shell, Dr. Fikirte has been working in the field of environment issue in order to combat climate change that affects the health of human, animal and the environment. This time she is involving in the research work on the impact of climate change and degraded landscape restoration. She has also an interest to work research in the area of social sciences and natural resources management.