The Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology (DMIP), School of Medicine, Addis Ababa University (AAU), has received 26 new UltraBIo-5 Trinocular Biological Microscopes with camera ports.
Based on the research capacity assessment of AAU, undertaken by the Centre for Capacity Research in July 2018, the HORN project purchased the microscopes as part of its capacity building activity.
The microscopes were recently assembled by DMIP staff, tested accordingly, and are now ready for teaching and research purposes by undergraduate medicine students and postgraduate students enrolled in Biomedical Sciences. Professor Daniel Asrat (Head of DMIP, AAU-HORN-Project Lead (2018-2020), and Co-Investigator-HORN Project) said “Microbiology and parasitology is unthinkable without microscopes, even in the digital age”.